
Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Maths- Measurement Solving Problems

Today for maths we did a fractions test, for the fractions test we had to turn mixed fractions into improper fractions and improper fractions into a mixed fraction.

After that we marked our sheet and went onto a test with a calculator.

For the test we had a formula and layout for the equations. If we got the formula and layout wrong we had to restart the test.

For the test the formula was Area = Length x Width. 

We had to use the formula for volume which was Length x Width x Height.

Monday, August 24, 2020


Today for maths we learned how to divide and times shapes and had to find the diameter of shapes and times them by pie, I got the first test wrong but I re did the test and I improved and learned new stuff. In order to get the test right we had to get the formula right and make it correct.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

adrenaline forest

last wednesday a group of people and I went to adrenaline froest, we hopped in the van at 11 and then we walked to the front of the school and took the vans to adrenaline forest. When we got there we went to the area and put our bags down, a group of us went to the toilets and we waited for them to come back. When they came back we went to a picnic table in the centre of the areas and but ou bags down. We went back to the place where you get the harnes thingy´s on. We got there, put them on and we practiced so we can get to the courses. When I finished I did stage 1 then stage 2 then stage 3b then stage 4. It was really fun but the worst thing was going back to school.

day 2 of new zealand market thingy

this is  day 2 of making our new zealand market thingy, today we made our logo and this is our logo. We are still working on it to make the writing neater but iḿ working with Brandon and Carter.

toastie presentation,Toasty Inc.

day 1 of  making something in the nz market that has never been made. This is my project, A.K.A the cheese broasty

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Measurement & Estimation

Today for maths I did a measurement task outside. I measured how many left steps it takes for me to reach 100 metres. I got 70 steps to get to 100 metres and we did a race afterwards.

Monday, August 3, 2020

Photosynthesis Activity

My class did an activity nutrients of trees and how they grow. I worked with Matthew and this is our tree/ tree grow activity

toastie, hot chocolate and noodle